Health and Safety Policy Statement

Relevant legislation: Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Artemis Studios, and Artemis College (in partnership with BCT) provides high quality work based training in the creative industries for young people. 

This training should prepare learners for the realities of the work place and use the creative careers that attract disenfranchised young people as a vehicle to re-engage them in learning and to improve educational achievement, basic and key skills and their own confidence and motivation.

Our statement of general policy is:

  • to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities

  • to consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety

  • to provide and maintain safe premises and equipment

  • to ensure safe handling and use of substances

  • to provide information, instruction and supervision for workers

  • to ensure all workers are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training

  • to prevent accidents and work related ill health

  • to maintain safe and health working conditions

  • to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals

All employees must:

  • co-operate with supervisors and managers on health and safety matters

  • not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety

  • take reasonable care of their own health and safety

  • report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in this policy statement)

Health and safety risks arising from Artemi Studios and Artemis College activities

  • Risk assessment will be undertaken by the relevant Centre Manager (who will also be a qualified Designated Safeguarding Lead)

  • The findings of the risk assessment will be reported to all relevant staff

  • Action required to remove / control risks will be approved by the relevant centre Manager

  • The relevant Project Manager will be responsible for ensuring the action required is implemented and will check that the implemented actions have removed / reduced the risks

  • Risk assessments for educational visits and trips will be completed by Artemis College lead tutors and submitted to

  • the course manager for approval at least 48 hours ahead of the planned trip taking place.

Artemis Studios and Artemis College assessments will be reviewed every 12 months or when the work activity changes, whichever is soonest.

Health and safety risks arising from apprenticeships and work experience placement activities

  • Managers responsible for the placement of Artemis College students in apprenticeship and work placements will undertake H&S inspections before each placement commences at a new place of employment including;

Copy of employers H&S policy

Copy of employers liability insurance

Completed risk assessment

In the case of major established employers (for example ITN News) the manager can use their judgment as to what extent the above requirements are necessary. Legally the duty of care lies with the employer for the safety of their employees. Artemis College staff must use their professional judgement in these cases to ensure all learners are placed in safe environments.

External / Industry Events

Where Artemis Studios and Artemis College students are involved in a volunteering / work experience capacity at external industry related events a risk assessment will be undertaken by the relevant contract manager / course manager / lead tutor and submitted to a senior manager for approval a minimum of 48 hours ahead of the event taking place and action required to remove / control risks will be undertaken before approval can be given.

Our assessments will be reviewed every 24 months or when the work activity changes, whichever is soonest.


Consultation with staff

  • We consult with our employees by Self-Assessment Report, All Staff Emails and Staff Meetings

Safe premises and equipment 

The relevant Centre Manager will be responsible for:

  • identifying all premises / equipment needing maintenance

  • ensuring effective maintenance procedures are drawn up

  • ensuring that all identified maintenance is implemented

  • Any problems found with premises / equipment should be reported to The relevant Centre Manager

  • The relevant Centre Manager will check that new premises and equipment meets health and safety standards before it is purchased

Safe handling and use of substances 

The Studios and Artemis College H&S manager will be responsible for:

  • identifying all substances, which need a COSHH assessment, undertaking COSHH assessment and ensuring that all actions identified in the assessments are implemented and checking that new substances can be used safely before they are purchased

  • ensuring that all relevant workers are informed about the COSHH assessments

Assessments will be reviewed every 24 months or when the work activity changes, whichever is soonest.

Information, instruction and supervision

  • The health and safety law poster is displayed in a publicly viewable place.

  • Health and safety advice, leaflets and other information is available from The Relevant Course Managers

  • All college learners will receive a Health & Safety induction as part of their course induction

  • Supervision of young workers and trainees will be arranged / undertaken by the relevant Centre Manager

  • The relevant Centre Manager is responsible for making sure that our employees working at other locations under the control of other employees are given relevant health and safety information.

Competency for tasks and traininh

  • Induction training for all new employees will be provided

  • Job specific training will be provided if deemed necessary

  • Training records will be kept at the Artemis College in partnership with BCT Office

  • Training will be identified, arranged and monitored yearly

Accidents, first aid and work related ill health

Health surveillance is required for workers doing the following jobs.

  • Teaching

  • Admin

  • Management

  • Health surveillance will be arranged by the relevant Centre Manager for management staff, tutors and trainers at each centre and the records kept at the relevant Artemis Centre

  • The first aid box(es) are kept at each Artemis Centre and are restocked by the relevant Centre Manager.

  • Each Artemis centre will have at least 2 registered First Aiders, who can be contacted via the relevant Centre Manager

  • All accidents and cases of work related to ill health are to be recorded in the accident book.

  • A separate accident book is kept at each Artemis delivery centre.

The Artemis Studios and College managers are responsible for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the Artemis College directors.

Artemis Studios and College shall inform the ESFA and Local Authority of injuries and diseases to Learners within the scope of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 and fatal road traffic accidents.

This shall be done by: in the case of education and training related fatal accidents and ‘major injuries’ (as defined in RIDDOR) - informing the EFA by email as soon as practically possible when Artemis Studios and College becomes aware of the event;

For all RIDDOR events Artemis Studios and College will send to the EFA a completed Learner Incident Record Form and HSE 2508 within 10 days of THE PROVIDER becoming aware of the event. “

HSE 2508


To check our working conditions, and make sure our safe working practices are being followed we will develop a culture of Health and Safety that runs across all company activities and delivery services.

The relevant Centre Manager is responsible: 

  • for reporting accidents

  • for investigating work related cases of sickness absence

  • for acting on any investigation findings to prevent a recurrence

Fire and emergency

  • Artemis Studios and College H&S manager is responsible for making sure that a fire risk assessment is carried out and implemented at each Artemis Centre

  • Escape routes are checked by the relevant Centre Manager every week.

  • All electrical devices, plugs and fuses will be PAT tested every 12 months by a qualified person.

  • Emergency evacuation will be tested at each Artemis Centre by undertaking a simulation evacuation every term for all staff and students.